Wednesday, 6 August 2014

⋙: Fashion by Design by Janice G. Ellinwood

Fashion by Design by Janice G. Ellinwood

Fashion by Design

Fashion by Design by Janice G. Ellinwood PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Fashion by Design explores the elements and principles of design as they relate to fashion. By evaluating the best examples from early through contemporary fashion design, students will develop the eye of the fashion designer in order to identify and understand how to manipulate the elements and principles of design. The objective is for design students to use these guidelines not to simply develop an appreciation of aesthetics but to execute an aesthetically pleasing garment design. Each chapter includes hands-on projects with step-by-step instructions related to the element or principle discussed in that chapter. The theory in the book originates from the Bauhaus school of art, while also drawing from sources on aesthetics in the field of clothing and textiles.

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